[00:00.000] 作词 : 郝泽鹏 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 郝泽鹏 [00:04.445]编曲:O.J.橙汁 [00:06.696]制作:郝泽鹏 [00:10.946]不知什么时候开始学着思考人生 [00:13.446]幻想着有一天可以真的梦想成真 [00:15.944]有时候也会好奇自己出生的画面 [00:18.195]长大后才明白谁会对你真的挂念 [00:20.945]年少无知的时候可以觉得无所不能 [00:23.196]烦恼不支的时候可以学着如果不曾 [00:25.446]世界太大很多真相看的不够清楚 [00:28.195]生活再差也要记得家人给的叮嘱 [00:30.946]童年的时候从来不是最乖的小孩 [00:33.446]顽劣的行径让父母担忧在每个日夜 [00:35.695]还记得那时母亲把五彩线系在我的脚踝 [00:38.695]多想在衣锦还乡时给她深情的致谢 [00:41.445]青春期的时候把写作当作唯一的梦想 [00:44.445]可直到现在依旧还在寻找人生的方向 [00:47.195]曾经用最固执的姿态演绎着痛痒 [00:49.695]父亲说坚持下去会看到人生的光亮 [00:52.945]我掩埋脆弱的情绪才将隐匿的热爱看清 [00:56.196]要手捧生命的重量才能融化命运的坚冰 [00:59.695]所有失落的记忆是刻在眼眸深处的伤痕 [01:03.197]将每一场旧梦挥别才能拂去命运的微尘 [01:06.697]如我退避 如果背弃 怎能打破桎梏看到真实自己 [01:10.204]无所畏惧 如火汇集 本能把握自渡锻造吞食赐予 [01:14.389] [01:15.638]Life has its own measure, the hearts of people can't guess [01:21.888]Pulling yourself together,every day is a second chance [01:27.389]Even though things might be awful, learning to dance in the rain [01:32.888]Confidence helps you to achieve next level , let's get the ball rolling [01:38.138]Life has its own measure, the hearts of people can't guess [01:43.638]Pulling yourself together,every day is a second chance [01:48.889]Even though things might be awful, learning to dance in the rain [01:54.639]Confidence helps you to achieve next level , let's get the ball rolling [01:59.639] [02:09.389]也许多年之后依旧迷茫悟不透人生的意义 [02:12.139]才发觉人不如故衣不如旧都是生活的秘密 [02:15.139]尝试与过去的自己和解脚踏实地的生活 [02:18.139]也学着小心翼翼每句话都仔细斟酌 [02:20.889]关于情感不再偏执不再幻想不再随口提起 [02:23.889]欢愉零散不再坚持不再乱想不再没有谜底 [02:27.140]有多少人听着情歌心中却满是怀疑 [02:29.639]就有多少人泪流满面渴望回到孩提 [02:32.389]从最初捧着一颗真心无所畏惧一碰就碎 [02:35.889]到现在端起一个酒杯满是伤痕一喝就醉 [02:39.140]原以为错过的只不过 [02:41.389]是乍见之欢是惊魂一瞥是年少的不明事理 [02:43.888]才发觉自己那手足无措 [02:45.889]是久处不厌是相濡以沫是一尘不染的自己 [02:48.639]原来孤独并不可耻而是最好的伙伴 [02:51.140]不再患得患失瞻前顾后让自己果断 [02:54.320]我可以失落可以难过看这悲伤深不见底 [02:57.570]但不能失措不能孱弱篆刻微光奔赴见你 [03:00.571]我渴望温暖渴望欢乐投身寂夜只言片语 [03:03.571]但拒绝分散拒绝酸涩求真意切荣光献礼 [03:06.570]在斑驳世界做个英雄守护年少柔软的心脏 [03:09.822]历尽千帆依旧热泪盈眶年轻的灵魂在发烫 [03:13.322] [03:15.070]Life has its own measure, the hearts of people can't guess [03:20.572]Pulling yourself together,every day is a second chance [03:26.071]Even though things might be awful, learning to dance in the rain [03:31.572]Confidence helps you to achieve next level , let's get the ball rolling [03:36.821]Life has its own measure, the hearts of people can't guess [03:42.572]Pulling yourself together,every day is a second chance [03:47.762]Even though things might be awful, learning to dance in the rain [03:53.013]Confidence helps you to achieve next level , let's get the ball rolling