[00:00.000] 作词 : #SuperHColdboy.®/C_Z [00:01.000] 作曲 : #SuperHColdboy.®/C_Z [00:08.029]BEAT PROD BY:EVO MUSIC [00:10.530]作词:H&C/C_Z [00:12.530]作曲:H&C/C_Z [00:14.280]混音/母带/后期:H&C [00:15.280]编曲:H&C [00:16.030] [00:17.030]H&C: [00:17.530]with a little boy came to the new world [00:20.029]the earth game has became your turn [00:22.279]i get chill force [00:23.529]i get team work [00:24.529]i get fire warms up my hands and my heart [00:26.780]my mom told me to study hard and get high grade [00:29.280]my dad told me not to fight in school or mistakes [00:31.780]but i never follow the rules and beat [00:33.780]oh one day i can sing with 2Pac and Drake [00:36.030]i have notime and i am buzy my bro [00:38.530]i like JelloRio not Kc you know [00:40.780]let me tell you Chinese rap in my mind [00:42.780]G-A-I is hot but PG One is so cold [00:45.280]every dream was i want to be famous rap singer [00:47.530]the Chinese battle king has lose one finger [00:49.780]i hate those haters [00:51.030]kill all the fakers [00:52.030]another i don't care baby md f**k here [00:53.780] [00:54.723]C_Z: [00:54.973]请带我走 逃离这星球 [00:58.911]好像这条路 没有终点 也看不到尽头 [01:03.407]back to home never feel so cold [01:07.908]不想让自己 做的努力 全部付诸东流 [01:11.907] [01:12.157]H&C: [01:12.407]好像这个社会正在变得乌烟瘴气 [01:14.907]每天有人离开也会有人变 [01:17.407]生活的压力总是让我崩溃让我想要放弃 [01:19.157]总有美好可以让我沦 [01:21.407]不知道开始为什么选择了现在这条路 [01:23.657]所以我和你们有不一样的未来 [01:25.908]那么从现在我们都要拼尽全力 [01:28.158]不然生活会是一大片的灰白 [01:30.408]过去那些快乐已经回不去了 [01:32.907]经历痛苦的事我也不再记得 [01:35.157]穿过时光隧道 [01:36.157]我眼睛一直闭着 [01:37.408]再也不会因为考试失利而生气了 [01:39.409]未来怎样都是个未知数 [01:41.908]我会自信但不会自负 [01:44.158]不想引起共鸣 [01:45.408]也不想得来同情 [01:46.658]可怜之人必有可恨之处 [01:48.909]再也不想背负着废物的骂名 [01:50.908]再也不想被逼着逢场作戏 [01:53.408]再也不会遭受着校园霸凌 [01:55.658]再也不会躲在被子里面偷偷啜泣 [01:57.658]可是回想那天站在高楼耸立 [01:59.909]失去所有希望将我自己封闭 [02:02.158]那时不再害怕 [02:03.658]只想一跃而下 [02:04.658]但跳下是我的懦弱不是勇气 [02:07.336]分开后你一直都不在我的身边 [02:12.336]委屈的像个孩子找谁申冤 [02:16.085]我还满怀期待 希望你会回来 [02:20.762]弥补我内心对你这么久的挂念 [02:25.762]我朋友都笑我说梦里什么都会有 [02:30.263]遗憾说我们的缘分不对口 [02:35.012]愿我在剩下的路上撑起顺风船帆 [02:39.513]勇敢化成风陪我飘过重重半山 [02:43.263] [02:43.763]C_Z: [02:44.700]请带我走 逃离这星球 [02:45.949](with a little boy came to the new world) [02:47.700](the earth game has became your turn) [02:48.700]好像这条路 没有终点 也看不到尽头 [02:49.950](i get chill forcei get team work) [02:50.950](i get fire warms up my hands and my heart) [02:52.949]back to home never feel so cold [02:55.199](with a little boy came to the new world) [02:57.199](the earth game has became your turn) [02:59.449]不想让自己 做的努力 全部付诸东流 [03:01.199](i get chill forcei get team work) [03:02.450](i get fire warms up my hands and heart)