[00:00.000] 作词 : 小蓝/funky [00:01.000] 作曲 : 小紫/p.r [00:04.00]for coco 献给coco [00:09.00]我看着你 我看着镜子中的自己 我看着恨意在理想之间肆意 [00:14.00]那是唾弃 那是母亲 那是所有我接收不了的情绪 [00:20.00]垃圾的拥趸坐在台下指手画脚 好心人逼你依靠俗世的流言喧嚣 [00:25.00]我抵抗 却不知该向谁去怒吼 做自己在这一刻成为最无用的努力 [00:30.00]我生活在 妙不可言的等待 等待随便哪一种未来到来将我主宰 [00:35.00]我们落泪 我们下跪 [00:37.00]冲动误作才能 天赋才最不值一提浪费 [00:40.00]遍地六便士 他却抬头看见了月 [00:42.00]命运就是这么怪 甘被操纵却看不见 [00:45.00]没有听见音乐的人以为跳舞的人疯了 就像记日记的伪君子们自欺欺人着 [00:50.00]你懂我,是我最不严谨的猜测。词句扭曲着掩人耳目,如此才能躲过情绪波澜的严丝合缝。(I don't know.Where this path goes.But I'll be there.Mic in my hand.Soul pumpin' out my chest.While the DJ hold it down.With the records he suggests. 敢问路在何方,路在脚下。是谁抢走了我的麦克风,没关系我还有我的喉咙。) [01:01.00]我看着,是你最开小差的差错。浮世绘浮入脑海,沉冤录沉入心渊。(I don't know.Where this path goes.But I'll be there.Mic in my hand.Soul pumpin' out my chest.While the DJ hold it down.With the records he suggests. 敢问路在何方,路在脚下。是谁抢走了我的麦克风,没关系我还有我的喉咙。) [01:10.00]Fresh!I am a child of music, flowing just like a cruise ship 音乐滋养了我这艘破船 [01:13.00]I won't ever loose it, brighter then when the rooms lit 而我乐此不疲地追着那塔楼的光亮 [01:16.00]Holding the mic so tight, I'm bound to give it bruises 麦克风握着越紧 [01:18.00]The way I do's this, It's like people are feeling clueless 伤口的盐涂得越深不见底 [01:21.00]Who' this? Schustla, the lord of the underground 我是谁?地底土鳖许小红 [01:23.00]Strike like lightning, following with the thunder sound 电光火石昙花一现 [01:26.00]BOOM! So come dance with me, while p-dot-r do it substantially 来吧,你一定也想一起跳舞吧 [01:31.00]So what's the reason? we want to give you something to believe in 要说为了什么,就为了彼此给些值得相信的东西吧 [01:33.00]Every-time we take a piece of vinyl, pull it out the sleeve 把所有的自己从袖子里抽出 [01:36.00]And put a needle to it, you can feel a positive influence 刺激你走向些积极向上的情绪 [01:38.00]Like a teacher to a student, at the same time it's the coolest 传道解惑永远不会是低级的 [01:41.00]And every-time I do this, I don't question me 我永远自以为做着自己 [01:43.00]It's just my chosen path, journey, and my destiny 告诉自己在历史进程下做了最好的决定 [01:46.00]So like my man Stan say "We lay the foundation for them" 告诉自己在铺路的路上没人需要意义 [01:49.00]Hopefully they play this record when they're chilling on the corner 朋友,听到这歌时记着摇两下,这就是你我之间最美的共鸣 [01:52.00]“我的爱别爱上我,小红终究会飞走。”知错改错但就不认错,万万不可以认错。(I don't know.Where this path goes.But I'll be there.Mic in my hand.Soul pumpin' out my chest.While the DJ hold it down.With the records he suggests. 敢问路在何方,路在脚下。是谁抢走了我的麦克风,没关系我还有我的喉咙。) [02:02.00]“我的爱快爱上我,心是孤独的猎手。”将情绪戒去了,看看太阳。(I don't know.Where this path goes.But I'll be there.Mic in my hand.Soul pumpin' out my chest.While the DJ hold it down.With the records he suggests. 敢问路在何方,路在脚下。是谁抢走了我的麦克风,没关系我还有我的喉咙。) [02:12.00]一步步 一步步 被制造同意 [02:18.00]一步步 一步步 玩赶工游戏 [02:22.00]一步步 一步步 被推向极致的色彩 [02:27.00]一步步 一步步 七千只羊不够我自喜沾沾