[00:00.000] 作词 : Zero大鍾 [00:00.000] 作曲 : Mc梦 [00:00.000]一无所知 [00:05.000]副歌取自:Beautiful Pain [00:06.000]Vocal:未夏 [00:08.000]Rap:大鍾 [00:20.000]【Verse1】 [00:22.000]曾自大到以为自己无所不能 [00:25.000]曾感觉生活可以俾我嚟纵横 [00:27.000]直至真正囚禁在逃不开的不幸 [00:30.000]先睇到,弱小嘅自己这般陌生 [00:33.000]就算再点坚强都需有人嚟撑 [00:36.000]就算再点痛苦这经历都无须憎 [00:38.000]若是可以,我选择爬起再次 [00:40.000]这刻开始,继续写词 [00:42.000]令每秒充满意义 [00:43.000]【Chorus】 [00:44.000]Found him in the flames [00:47.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [00:49.500]Setting fire to yesterday [00:52.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [00:55.000]Found him in the flames [00:58.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [01:00.000]Setting fire to yesterday [01:03.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [01:04.500]【Verse2】 [01:05.000]同前尘诀别 你渴望开辟新的一页 [01:07.000]昨夜嘅暗沉 已俾啱降临嘅晨光撕裂 [01:10.000]此刻你不惧未知挫折 不愿下跌 [01:12.000]眼泪流下就当做发泄 埋在土下 随时间幻灭 [01:15.000]冇人会因为你嘅可怜 对你投下一瞥 [01:18.000]过去抛低嘅重担 唯有今天继续接 [01:20.400]你诘问艰苦嘅生活几时可以完结 [01:23.400]大概唯有断气一刻 先可暂歇 [01:25.300]其实 每人都曾被困于沉睡森林 [01:28.000]狩猎嘅同时成为俾狩猎嘅猎人 [01:30.000]恐惧本嚟就喺人嘅本能 [01:32.000]喺十字路口徘徊时 [01:34.000]喺选择坚定行落去 定被现实压迫 独自失魂 [01:36.500]总考虑此刻做嘅事可否向未来延伸 [01:39.000]但其实你惗多咗 [01:40.500]先踏实努力才是喺真正有价值嘅选择 [01:44.000]好过此刻无故嘅迷惑 [01:45.000]原地踏步只不过系对自己惩罚 [01:47.000]【Chorus】 [01:48.000]Found him in the flames [01:51.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [01:53.500]Setting fire to yesterday [01:56.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [01:58.300]Found him in the flames [02:01.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [02:04.000]Setting fire to yesterday [02:07.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [02:08.000]【Verse3】 [02:09.000]食饱穿暖嘅自己 仲有何苦可诉? [02:12.000]每次不满时 惗下曾努力到边度? [02:14.000]生活充满太多无奈太多不幸解决唔到 [02:17.000]唔喺现实残酷 喺我哋只讲唔做 [02:19.000]连井底之蛙都识眺望天空 都算有梦 [02:22.000]俾束缚之时 点解认为自由不可触碰? [02:24.500]连我个理科生都可一边解题一边写词当做喺文字填空 [02:29.000]算唔算自我放纵? [02:30.000]俾天空宠幸嘅飞鹰 想奔跑于无边草地 [02:32.000]而大地上嘅雄狮 渴望拉近与云的距离 [02:35.000]犹如围城中嘅人 你羡慕我 我崇拜你 [02:38.000]每个人都扮演一个 最唔想 成为嘅自己 [02:41.000]一世人就算 听讲过再多嘅道理 [02:43.000]唯有真正跌低 亲自尝试过刺骨伤悲 [02:46.000]先明白这份痛苦可以嚟得这般艳美 [02:48.000]唯有经历挫折先可涅槃在火花中 舞姿纷飞 [02:51.000]【Chorus】 [02:52.000]Found him in the flames [02:55.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [02:57.500]Setting fire to yesterday [03:00.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [03:02.300]Found him in the flames [03:05.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [03:08.000]Setting fire to yesterday [03:11.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [03:13.000]【Bridge】 [03:14.000]I’m falling down, I’m running backwards [03:19.000]All this time is on a train to nowhere [03:24.000]We can’t turn back, we need to try [03:30.000]To find a better way. [03:33.000]【Verse4】 [03:34.000]有人总想寻找捷径 [03:35.300]但他人挨过嘅苦你睇唔明 [03:37.000]何时何地应做乜事 同你点讲得清 [03:39.000]只要肯从锅底向上爬 [03:41.000]无论边个方向都在上升 [03:43.000]缺少嘅不过喺埋头去打拼 [03:45.000]若单单抱怨自己冇晒动力不再年轻 [03:47.300]咁俾埋葬后 惗翻哩世真喺浪费生命 [03:50.000]飞蛾扑火嘅行为何必纠正? [03:52.000]哪怕火星四射痛苦加身都要为自己发声 [03:55.000]因为睇到 [03:55.500]【Chorus】 [03:56.300]Found him in the flames [03:59.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [04:01.000]Setting fire to yesterday (I wanna make a wish for you) [04:04.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light. [04:06.000]Found him in the flames [04:09.000]There’s a beautiful kind of pain [04:12.000]Setting fire to yesterday [04:15.000]Find the light, find the light, find the light!