[00:00.000] 作词 : 雾霾TheROOFBOIsmog/望江/缇陌汐Timothy [00:00.722] 作曲 : 雾霾TheROOFBOIsmog/望江/缇陌汐Timothy [00:01.444] 编曲 : peach k [00:02.166]【编曲:Peach K】 [00:07.907]【Beat来源:beatshome.com】 [00:09.173]hum 不可能 被归类 最高的 配备 hum [00:12.170]风格绝 对最配 得上是 hit list hum [00:14.666]兄弟们 背对背 这感觉 对味 [00:16.675]让对手都 溃退 hum [00:18.416]选择了通过去 [00:19.426]一遍遍地练习 渐渐变得坚毅 [00:21.922]天天开发潜力 千篇一律的演戏都 [00:24.168]不会在我的眼里留 一个比一个脸皮厚 [00:26.917]为了点热度遍地走 [00:28.910]看他们都在我身后 摇头摆尾 [00:31.417]follow me的 头牌狗仔队 [00:33.414]看到那些 lil boy so sad 尽出 丑态 [00:36.162]自己 flow菜 又怪 谁 hum [00:38.413]eya 带着阴灵殿的队友 阵容前所未有 [00:42.915]对手全都溃走 [00:45.416]eya 带着阴灵殿的队友 阵容前所未有 [00:47.916]填不满的胃口 [00:48.677]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [00:51.663]I got the cake×2 [00:54.910]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [00:56.429]I got the cake×2 [00:58.424]第一时间把蛋糕和兄弟们分摊 [01:01.167]I got the cake×2 [01:04.414]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [01:07.420]I got the I got the ei~~ [01:08.674]终于轮到smog yeah dats S M O G [01:10.417]trap some og [01:11.426]爬上楼顶和我兄弟cash in 手里 [01:13.408]back to da old place [01:14.423]o plz 请别call da police [01:16.163]因为他们肯定把我带进精神病院 [01:18.160]惊艳四座看我完美地切分蛋糕 [01:20.412]梵高都要夸赞向我递来请柬 [01:22.920]新鲜鸡蛋加上海南精盐少许凝结砒霜 [01:24.668]dats my recipe 来品鉴 [01:27.161]像是发了疯的杀到疯了my man [01:29.915]坚持中式糕点同时褒贬my man [01:32.429]那些崇洋媚外瞎了疯的改天 [01:34.659]变成伤兵破甲Calilfornia太监 haha [01:37.914]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [01:40.179]I got the cake×2 [01:42.917]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [01:45.167]I got the cake×2 [01:47.661]第一时间把蛋糕和兄弟们分摊 [01:49.916]I got the cake×2 [01:52.411]I don't really care about how to do it like rats man [01:54.915]I got the I got the ei~~ [01:57.410]uhn lets go lets go [01:58.926]让你看到我的可塑 [01:59.921]flow就是我炸药 [02:01.166]你们少来给我测速 [02:02.412]打开我的音轨 哥们儿昂贵就像多普勒 [02:04.413]传播速度堪比挡不住的核辐射 [02:06.668]不达我的目的绝对不罢休的 [02:08.665]糕点师 搞点事 have no reason [02:10.412]讨厌死 掉链子 [02:11.916]不得不 拔刀切割 这个 fake废了 hater [02:13.907]不得waiting不得归零 我的背景板老子得劲xi [02:15.664]我表达方式直接你不要管 yeah [02:19.427]我手里压作王砸就打对三 yeah [02:21.923]老子都切完蛋糕周围是烟叶 [02:24.157]老子吃完蛋糕给你点颜色 [02:26.907]eya 带着阴灵殿的队友 阵容前所未有 [02:30.414]对手全都溃走 [02:31.660]eya 带着阴灵殿的队友 阵容前所未有 [02:35.424]填不满的胃口