簡介: 尼古拉·皮奧瓦尼(Nicola Piovani)出生于羅馬,鋼琴家、作曲家、管弦樂指揮,是希臘作曲家Manos Hadjidakis的弟子,他的職業(yè)生涯開始于為電影《因父之名》作曲。自米蘭音樂學院畢業(yè)后,在20世紀60年代后期開始為一些紀錄片做配樂。成為意大利電影圈 更多>
尼古拉·皮奧瓦尼(Nicola Piovani)1946年5月26日出生于羅馬,鋼琴家、作曲家、管弦樂指揮,是希臘作曲家Manos Hadjidakis的弟子,他的職業(yè)生涯開始于為電影《因父之名》作曲。自米蘭音樂學院畢業(yè)后,在20世紀60年代后期開始為一些紀錄片做配樂。成為意大利電影圈炙手可熱的專業(yè)配樂人,他曾為多部電影鉅作擔任音樂制作,而他略帶傷感的音樂曲風也吸引了許多意大利電影大師,如馬利歐·莫尼且利、南尼 ·莫萊蒂、朱塞佩·多納托雷、朱塞佩·貝托魯奇、塔維亞尼兄弟、費里尼,以及一些意大利以外國家的導演們,如Ben Von Verbong、Bernard Favre、帕爾·加伯、George Sluizer、比格斯·魯納、約翰·伊文、菲利普·里奧雷、Eric-Emmanuel Smith。至今,皮奧瓦尼創(chuàng)作了超過130首曲子,還為意大利電視節(jié)目制作了許多成功的曲子,并且為許多意大利著名導演和知名編劇合作的戲劇制作插曲,也為許多音樂劇作曲。他已經(jīng)與他和Vincenzo Cerami建立的Orchestra Aracoeli以及Compagnia della Luna在意大利及國外旅行,同時他在室內(nèi)音樂方面也取得了不錯的成績。
代表作有:1994年坎城影展最佳導演獎《親愛日記》、1999年奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片《美麗人生》、2001年坎城影展金棕櫚獎最佳影片《人間有情天》,2005年以《燈塔情人》獲得凱撒獎最佳電影配樂提名。《燈塔情人》全片環(huán)繞在尼古拉絕妙的配樂中,尤其提琴樂音的巧妙運用,更加突顯法國60年代的懷舊浪漫氣息,大師的魅力借此展露無遺。當然給大家留下印象最深的便是他為導演羅伯托·貝尼尼的《美麗人生》譜寫的配樂,而這也為其贏得了第一座奧斯卡金像獎。這里值得一提的是,在1997年奧斯卡獲獎之前,很多人都以為Piovani是Ennio Morricone使用的一個筆名。
by Jason Ankeny
Italian film composer Nicola Piovani vaulted to international renown via his Academy Award-winning score for the 1998 feature La Vita è Bella, better known to North American audiences as Roberto Benigni's Life Is Beautiful. Born May 26, 1946, in Rome, Piovani received his degree in piano from Milan's Verdi Conservatory, and later studied orchestration under Greek composer Manos Hadjidakis before making his cinematic debut with 1969's N.P. Il Segreto. Not only did Piovani earn his first widespread notice for his contributions to Marco Bellocchio's 1970 effort Nel Nome del Padre, but the project inaugurated an ongoing creative collaboration with the director that included the pictures Salto Nel Vuoto and Matti da Slegare. The composer was also a favorite of the brothers Taviani (La Notte di San Lorenzo), Mario Monicelli (Speriamo Che Sia Femmina), Nanni Moretti (Caro Diario), and the renowned Federico Fellini, a partnership that included the global hits Intervista and Ginger e Fred. Despite his growing renown, rumors circulated that Piovani was in fact little more than an alias for Italian film maestro Ennio Morricone, a misconception Piovani often chooses to exploit during his public appearances. Such gossip largely subsided when 1998's Holocaust fantasy La Vita è Bella earned the composer his first Oscar, although he lost out on a Grammy Award to composer Randy Newman. Piovani also won the Ciak d'Oro in 2001 for his work on Moretti's La Stanza del Figlio.