When kirsty lee akers won toyota starmaker in tamworth this year she joined the ranks of some outstanding australian talent...previous starmaker winners include keith urban, beccy cole, lee kernaghan, gina jeffreys and james blundell. The resultant debut album 'little things' is an upbeat and cohesive set that showcases kirsty's commanding vocal skills and a talent for connecting with the listener. She tackles subjects as broad ranging as young love ('little things', 'i think he likes me') to an hilarious account of a young woman's body clock ('she ain't getting any'), and a chilling first person account of a young life spent in foster care ('the territory') with an authority that belies her age and shows that her years of performing have shaped her into confident, talented and convincing singer.
When kirsty lee akers won toyota starmaker in tamworth this year she joined the ranks of some ou更多>
When kirsty lee akers won toyota starmaker in tamworth this year she joined the ranks of some outstanding australian talent...previous starmaker winners include keith urban, beccy cole, lee kernaghan, gina jeffreys and james blundell. The resultant debut album 'little things' is an upbeat and cohesive set that showcases kirsty's commanding vocal skills and a talent for connecting with the listener. She tackles subjects as broad ranging as young love ('little things', 'i think he likes me') to an hilarious account of a young woman's body clock ('she ain't getting any'), and a chilling first person account of a young life spent in foster care ('the territory') with an authority that belies her age and shows that her years of performing have shaped her into confident, talented and convincing singer.