[00:00.000] 作詞 : jaytee
[00:01.000] 作曲 : jaytee
[00:05.600]曲:One Man Can Change The World
[00:05.683]They used to tell me
[00:12.184]I hope you learn to make it on your own
[00:14.681]If your love yourself just know you'll never be alone
[00:17.188]I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose
[00:20.440]I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know
[00:23.437]Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything
[00:26.684]Million dollar cribs havin' million dollar dreams
[00:29.680]坐擁百萬豪宅 野心不息
[00:29.680]And when you get it all just remember one thing
[00:32.688]當(dāng)你如愿以償 依然要記住一件事情
[00:32.688]Remember one thing
[00:34.684]One man could change the world
[00:40.686]One man could change the world
[00:48.932]隔著玻璃 感受到來自你的氣息
[00:51.439]走到今天 十八年記憶太多無法記清
[00:57.185]但你父母的表情 你可以百分百肯定
[01:03.930]身份未合法 對計生辦只好說謊話
[01:06.682]再兜個圈再轉(zhuǎn)個彎 至少未被拆散
[01:12.940]Another dawn another day 生活從來都沒有兒戲
[01:16.191]握著一副爛牌 怎樣打好都要看時機
[01:18.686]每一日都有不同人的死訊 但每一日都有人出生
[01:22.181]人生本就是悲喜交加 的一份作品
[01:24.933]為什么要怨天尤人? 人生無常無法改變 但記得
[01:28.183]第一 握緊支筆 第二 為弱者發(fā)出聲音
[01:30.936]第三 堅持只要認(rèn)為是真
[01:33.187]說真的 這個世界從來都不缺doubter 只要堅持你的內(nèi)心
[01:37.133]I hope you learn to make it on your own
[01:39.388]If your love yourself just know you'll never be alone
[01:42.382]I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose
[01:45.389]I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know
[01:48.385]Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything
[01:51.891]Million dollar cribs havin' million dollar dreams
[01:54.640]坐擁百萬豪宅 野心不息
[01:54.640]And when you get it all just remember one thing
[01:57.636]當(dāng)你如愿以償 依然要記住一件事情
[01:57.636]Remember one thing
[01:59.890]One man could change the world
[02:05.635]One man could change the world
[02:16.642]只好野蠻生長 不再去計較斤兩 無人分享
[02:19.385]大家都筑起心墻 沒人再發(fā)表感想
[02:21.891]一路走來都忘記欣賞 背后的甘香 但將酒又斟上
[02:25.328]你自命不凡 但可惜事實始終平庸
[02:28.335]好說句真話 你想成為他們心目中的英雄
[02:31.584]但此刻你睡眼惺忪 惰性侵襲到頭腦
[02:34.084]成為你最討厭的人 有日變得八面玲瓏 無人敲響警鐘
[02:37.587]亦都再無人愿意義無反顧地陪你 由頭到尾
[02:43.578]但攤開講 你從來都不孤單
[02:47.084]逆向而行的人有千千萬 現(xiàn)在也還會有人吟誦《聲聲慢》
[02:56.039]一步一步 你想做得東西為什么不能做到
[02:58.781]保持你的態(tài)度 踏著這條道路 一直到老
[03:01.788]I hope you learn to make it on your own
[03:04.537]If your love yourself just know you'll never be alone
[03:07.532]I hope you get everything you wanted that you chose
[03:10.539]I hope that its the realest thing that you ever know
[03:13.281]Hope you get the pretty girls, is pretty at everything
[03:16.787]Million dollar cribs havin' million dollar dreams
[03:19.537]坐擁百萬豪宅 野心不息
[03:19.537]And when you get it all just remember one thing
[03:22.534]當(dāng)你如愿以償 依然要記住一件事情
[03:22.534]Remember one thing
[03:25.539]One man could change the world
[03:31.032]One man could change the world