[00:00.000] 作詞 : 周大帥
[00:01.000] 作曲 : 周大帥
[00:13.923]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[00:16.922]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[00:20.422]people say no fine but iwant to try
[00:24.422]faith is my light no matter is very high
[00:27.922]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[00:30.923]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[00:34.923]people say no fine but iwant to try
[00:38.172]faith is my light no matter is very high
[00:41.922]放下手里的手機 打開了柜子里面的抽屜
[00:44.672]所有不要的全部都丟棄 開始進入新的游戲
[00:48.423]一切做的更加的走心 不再去觸碰著那些的酒精
[00:52.173]變得更加優(yōu)異 必須做到出人頭地
[00:55.923]ok change my new name
[01:00.173]周圍 sunrise the new way
[01:05.424]who‘s way 跟麥克風住一起 new shit
[01:10.923]錄制起 在故事里 sunrise 成功的到達我的目的地
[01:23.424]sunrise in the sky
[01:26.674]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[01:30.674]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[01:33.923]people say no fine but iwant to try
[01:37.423]faith is my light no matter is very high
[01:40.674]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[01:44.424]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[01:47.924]people say no fine but iwant to try
[01:51.424]faith is my light no matter is very high
[01:54.174]哇 will be star 拋開了雜念把自己做大
[01:57.925]讓所有質疑我的人都給我坐下 然后慢慢的聽我說話
[02:01.924]提升level變的高級 不讓家里人為我著急
[02:05.174]不停的make money 給我的pretty girl 買gucci和 lv
[02:08.674]sunrise萬里晴空 每天都在抬著頭挺胸
[02:10.424]神經(jīng)不再那么緊繃 自己都感到特別的輕松
[02:15.425]哪把自己累的廢了睡著是為了做出好的作品沖出world wide
[02:25.674]sunrise in the sky
[02:33.175]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[02:36.425]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[02:40.675]people say no fine but iwant to try
[02:43.675]faith is my light no matter is very high
[02:47.175]sunrise in the sky look into our eye
[02:50.175]iwant to go the fly with the sun side by side
[02:54.175]people say no fine but iwant to try
[02:57.675]faith is my light no matter is very high