總覺得少點什么 如果今天沒網(wǎng)絡
I'll feel a little deprived,If I'm not online today.
度日如年 就像撒網(wǎng)沒捕獲
Everyday feels more like a year,Just like cast a net to catch nothing.
出來坐坐 無法適從
Sit back but can't fit.
不自然 不輕松 什么都沒丟只是過了5分鐘
Unnatual and uneasy,nothing changed just five minutes passed.
As usual,
你的眼睛盯著屏幕 直到有了黑眼圈
Gazed at screen until black pouches comes.
鑰匙找不到了 其實就在手邊
Can't find your key,just near by your hand.
喜歡漂亮的語言加照片 瞎編
Love pretty words with photos.Made that up!
一圈一圈 鏡片的度數(shù)在升高
Around and around.The degree of glasses lenses is elevating.
信息像老鼠 你像好奇的貓
Information like rats and you just like a curious cat.
The assembly of virtual world.
Using,Trapped in a rope.
但 這是最擅長
But... This is the common.
Most of time so boring,but seem so busy.
長 長 的網(wǎng)線
Long long cable.
最美好時光都被鎖在了里面 Damn!
Most of goodliness time locked in it.
Youku and Baidu,This is my life.Can't live without them.
現(xiàn)實屏除所有網(wǎng)路 這是我的生活 也少不了他
Reality dismiss all network.This is my life.Can't live without it.
我少不了他 也少不了他 這是我的生活 少不了他
Can't live without it and it.This is my life.Can't live without it.
現(xiàn)實與虛擬 都不必停下
Real and virtual world do not stop.
因為我的生活 都需要 他 還有 它
Because I need it and it in my life.
youtube 還有 facebook 這是我的生活 我少不了他
youtube and facebook,This is my life.I can't live without them.
現(xiàn)實屏除所有網(wǎng)路 這是我的生活 也少不了他
Reality dismiss all network.This is my life.I can't live without it.
我少不了他 也少不了他 這是我的生活 少不了他
Can't live without it and it.This is my life.Can't live without it.
現(xiàn)實與虛擬 都不必停下
Real and virtual world do not need to stop.
因為我的生活 都需要 他 還有 他
Because I need it and it in my life.
Youku and Baidu,This is my life.Can't live without them.
現(xiàn)實屏除所有網(wǎng)路 這是我的生活 也少不了他
Reality dismiss all network.This is my life.Can't live without it.
我少不了他 也少不了他 這是我的生活 少不了他
Can't live without it and it.This is my life.Can't live without it.
現(xiàn)實與虛擬 都不必停下
Real and virtual world do not stop.
因為我的生活 都需要 他 還有 它
Because I need it and it in my life.
開始網(wǎng)絡時間 我開始放松的一天
Enter to cyberspace,Go into a relaxing day.
啟動打開PC 就可以拋開煩惱和一切
Start up my PC,cast away all my troubles and everything.
在外面當完孫子 在這里我是大爺
Regarded as a grandson outside,regarded as a grandpa inside.
自豪感 自信心 來創(chuàng)造虛擬頁面
To use my pride,confidence to build a virtual page.
現(xiàn)實世界就算再殘酷 再兇險
Even if the real world is cruel and dangerous,
在這里拋頭露面 掌控一切
I would like to be in the spotlight and hold everything in here.
Just the space I existed in what you dislike to enter in.
It is a fantasy world I existed in what you cannot understand.
我在空中演示操控 并自然保持放松
I demonstrated all in the air,keep natual and relaxed.
集中 集結英雄聯(lián)盟在我掌控
Muster and Massed on the League Heroes,all in my control.
游走自如的線上地圖 熟練操作技術
Walking freely on line maps with skillful operation.
我對準電腦熒幕 煙頭 散發(fā)的煙霧
I aim at the PC screen,cigarette butt exhale smoke.
經(jīng)驗值搭配著專注 誰都跟不上我腳步
Empirical value match with my absorption.No one can follow my steps.
輸出 輸入 你能否對抗我強大招數(shù)
To output or input,can you against my powerful tricks?
Be a king of the hill,lead lined and keep the highest prestige.
Brain control,virtual imagine,no limit online.
Be earger to know something,
Keyboard instead of a pen.
鑰匙打開盒子里 的萬千世界
Key open the thousands of world in the box.
停留在一個一個網(wǎng)頁 (像是狩獵)
Stay on web pages one by one.(just like hunting)
虛擬 感知 沒有分界
Virtual,sense,no boundaries.
Enjoy skillful.Know too many secrets.
網(wǎng)絡就像你 帶給我樂趣
Network just like you,bring me infinite joy.
走馬觀花 打發(fā)時間 為我解乏
Goof around,kill time,eased me.
似乎所有的問題都 為我解答
Seems that all the problems can be solved.
每天像在旅行 但我只在家
Just like in journey everyday.But I stay at home.
足不出戶 這只是初步
Home-confined,This is only a rough idea.
疑問的答案快速 找到出處
Answers corresponds to the questions,Find the source quickly.
啊 多么快樂的領悟 我喜歡走中路
Ah What a happy insight it is.I enjoy walking on the middle.
Record in the red.
Not a hero but always alliance.
Stream of consciousness you counldn't understand.
So,I always not approach to reality.
LOL commonly known as console yourself.
忙于線上配對 對應簡單思維
Busy on matching pairs online.corresponding to simple minds.
近乎完美 每時每刻 享受線上快樂
Near perfect,every seconds,enjoy joyfulness online.
激發(fā)腎上腺素 速度加快提取自我
Fired adrenalin epinephrin,Accelerated extraction to extract myself.
在線上實踐 換取真實體驗 別見面
Practiced online,acquired real experience,do not meet.
守在銀幕面前 不愿說再見
Keep in front of the silver screen,won't say goodbye.
你告訴我 這是你唯一的愛好
Tell me,This is your only hobby.
接收不到真實訊號 身體拉響警報
Can't receive the real signals,alarm by your body.
Be concentrated,hooked,focused on creating.
After all,blow over is not good.
虛幻回歸現(xiàn)實 把時間還給真實
Back to reality from unreal world,back to the real time.
All your missed is the most glaring example.
在線上用音樂 找樂趣玩游戲
Listen to music online,play games online.
SIDE starts writing in the middle of obverse and reverse.
把玩線上游戲最主要 看動機
Playing online game as the main motivation.
這是BigChief PT J.Wu Johnny G
This is BigChief+ PT+ J.Wu Johnny G