Torcuato Mariano

簡介: Torcuato Mariano 出身在阿根廷卻生長在巴西,從小就受到很多拉丁音樂家的影響,尤其是象SANTANA這樣在歐美有著高聲譽(yù)的音樂家。成人以后的 Torcuato Mariano 一直作為伴奏吉他手出現(xiàn)在一些大牌音樂家的樂隊里面,比如 Sergio Mendes 和 I 更多>

Torcuato Mariano 出身在阿根廷卻生長在巴西,從小就受到很多拉丁音樂家的影響,尤其是象SANTANA這樣在歐美有著高聲譽(yù)的音樂家。成人以后的 Torcuato Mariano 一直作為伴奏吉他手出現(xiàn)在一些大牌音樂家的樂隊里面,比如 Sergio Mendes 和 Ivan Lins,而他個人的音樂偏好卻更為的輕柔,很快他便決心在以輕柔風(fēng)格為主的 Smooth-Jazz 里一展宏圖。出色的吉他技藝以及帶有深厚的拉丁音樂底蘊的Mariano在現(xiàn)代爵士領(lǐng)域是非常容易混跡的,人們喜歡聽到他這樣用一把原聲木吉他彈奏出的輕柔音符,因為拉丁爵士是其音樂的根基。
A native of Buenos Aires who moved to Brazil as a teenager, Torcuato Mariano grew up listening to the music of his own country as well as Americans such as Santana and Stevie Wonder. Playing guitar, Mariano toured with Sergio Mendes, Ivan Lins and Gal Costa but became a solo artist in the early '90s. Mariano signed with the new age label Windham Hill and in 1994 released Paradise Station, an album that combined his heritage with rock and blues influences. One year later, he released Last Look.