We Are The Union

簡介: 小簡介
A band writing their own biography isn't typically an accurate description of the band itself. It doesn't matter who a band has pla 更多>

A band writing their own biography isn't typically an accurate description of the band itself. It doesn't matter who a band has played with or their homemade t-shirt endorsements, for fucks sake, just try to write good music. We Are The Union plays faster than a stripper with no husband and multiple children, yet still manages to keep tunes stuck in your head. As cliche' as it sounds, these dudes work hard and believe in what they do whether it matters or not.

We Are The Union詳細資料(以下內容包含:We Are The Union 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)
We Are The Union生日:

We Are The Union檔案之所有專輯

  • 2024年推出專輯:《Keep It Down》
  • 2024年推出專輯:《Make it Easy》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Ordinary Life》