
簡介: 小簡介
高木正勝(たかぎ まさかつ、1979年 - )は京都府亀岡市出身のミュージシャン、映像作家。京都外國語大學外國語學部英米語學科卒業(yè)。
青木孝允とのSILICOMで映像を擔當。 2006年、國際的な映像フェスティバルのRESFESTにおいて 世界の10人 更多>

高木正勝(たかぎ まさかつ、1979年 - )は京都府亀岡市出身のミュージシャン、映像作家。京都外國語大學外國語學部英米語學科卒業(yè)。
青木孝允とのSILICOMで映像を擔當。 2006年、國際的な映像フェスティバルのRESFESTにおいて 世界の10人のクリエーターの1人に選ばれた。
An artist whose focus on music is rivaled only by his focus on mixed media, Takagi Masakatsu was born in Kyoto in 1979. His focus on visual art actually came first; he published a mixed-media magazine named +-79 and began a combined sound/image project named Silicom with Aoki Takamasa (Takagi was responsible for the visuals). After making the rounds of Japanese galleries and clubs, Silicom earned a DVD release in early 2001. Later that year, Takagi released his first album, Pia, a two-disc set including videos and a movie on the second disc. Additional recordings followed for the German label Karaoke Kalk. His solo piano composition "Girls" is featured on a prominent television ad for the Sharp Aquos 64D flat-screen TV.

