
簡介: Gwydion are from Portugal, and exists since 1995.
After 3 self-financed demos : Debt to Morrighan (1998) - First Channeling 更多>

Gwydion are from Portugal, and exists since 1995.
After 3 self-financed demos : Debt to Morrighan (1998) - First Channeling (2001) - Augmentation (2002), Gwydion releases his full lenght album (also partially self-financed) 'Ynys Mön'
It's been a conjoined effort by Gwydion and Trollzorn, but we finally made it!
”Ynys Mön is our first full-debut album and the main sources of inspiration are Viking and Folk metal, reflecting the feeling and the sounds which we most identify ourselves.” ”Our first album, Ynys Mön, brings not only a significant improvement in terms of quality, when compared with our previous works, but represents also a turning point in the style and influences for the band. If our sonority could be previously regarded as melodic black metal, at the present time it is much more heavily inspired by Viking and Folk Metal ways. This change is also visible on the lyrics, which sums to the already usual celtic mystic and culture, the Nordic, containing also references to thematics like religion and paganism.”

Gwydion詳細資料(以下內容包含:Gwydion 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)


  • 2023年推出專輯:《Gwydion》
  • 2013年推出專輯:《Veteran》
  • 2010年推出專輯:《Horn Triskelion》