Hot Water

簡(jiǎn)介: 南非組合
South African singer, song-writer, guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, facilitator and band leader, Donovan Copley, has a talent not 更多>

South African singer, song-writer, guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, facilitator and band leader, Donovan Copley, has a talent not only for creating uplifting and authentic South African music…h(huán)e has the knack for bringing together a consistently evolving group of musicians from very diverse backgrounds with an ever-fresh musical result that leaves audiences feeling inspired and proud to be South African.
And for the foreign audience, Hot Water opens a gateway to the soul and spirit which Africa and South Africa has to offer. In a world in crisis Hot Water’s music brings space, perspective and insight as well as inevitably drawing people to their feet.
Hot Water’s Live performance is a dynamic and often spontaneous tapestry of inspired songs from one of their two albums…and their upcoming third album. Donovan compares the band to a wheel, seeing himself as the hub in the centre while the band and collaborators hold and help the whole wheel spin.
Simply put: the music brings people together - across ages, across cultures, across races, across gender, across borders. Hot Water creates a space where people from any background have the opportunity to relate on common ground.
In mid-2005 Donovan created a platform to collaborate and perform with the musicians he felt inspired to work with. Hot Water was born. Within a few short months the band was booked to perform at the prestigious Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts at the National Botanical Gardens in Cape Town. Here they launched their debut album, ‘Home’ in early 2006.
In line with the band’s organic approach to the music industry, the music spread naturally and within the year Hot Water had been recognised as representative of South Africa. The band was featured on BBC World’s ‘Destination Music’ series and was included on international record label, Edel’s ‘A Day in Cape Town’ cd-book compilation.
Shortly following this, their upbeat single ‘Bushfire’ was used as the musical face of the Italian children’s shoe manufacturer, Primigi’s European and US commercial campaign.
Back at home the band embarked on a City of Cape Town upliftment initiative performing in disadvantaged areas throughout the city and surrounds.
To kick-start 2008 the song ‘Thembi’ - a salute to African mothers - found its way onto an Italian Commercial for their National Health Service.
Hot on the heels in early 2008, a second album ‘One’ was launched with the single ‘Shushu’ showing what cross-over jive is all about - reaching no 1 on the UJFM charts for several weeks.
In August 2008 Hot Water was invited to Europe for the Waterpop Festival held in Holland. In September of that same year, Hot Water was voted Best Band in South Africa in Men’s Health magazine.
To end off the year, the track ‘One Name’, inspired by the works of Eckhart Tolle, was selected by the Niall Mellon Township Trust Initiative for their Irish advertising campaign. As part of their ‘November Blitz’ - during which time 2000 Irish tradesmen built 250 houses in 6 days in Khayelitsha - Hot Water entertained residents and builders alike, driving through the township on the back of a flat-bed truck.
Stylistically Hot Water’s music incorporates elements of traditional African music (such as kwela, mbaqanga, maskandi and kwasa kwasa) with folk, blues and indie-pop rock.
They have mixed a brew that somehow manages to capture an authentic and unique South African feel and flavour.
Southern African music has a natural instinct for celebration and Hot Water’s live performances have a magical way of spontaneously warming any event.
Combining unusual instruments from South Africa and around the world, this cross-over collaboration creates a show at every performance, cutting across boundaries of age and culture.
Hot Water offers a unique money-back-guarantee on all their performances (as well as their albums) and if you see them perform, you will understand why!

