Maya Isac

簡介: 來自以色列的清新民謠歌手,曾獲得ACUM(以色列音樂版權機構)“2012年最佳新人”獎。
Maya Isacowitz (born in 1987) is a singer-songwriter, the daughter of South A 更多>

Maya Isacowitz (born in 1987) is a singer-songwriter, the daughter of South African Parents. She was raised on Kibbutz Ma’ayan Baruch in the North of Israel. Maya, whose father, Peter, builds musical instruments, grew up in a musical home, and started playing the guitar and singing at the age of 14. At the age of 21 she began performing all over Israel, initially accompanying herself on guitar. Her cousin, Shai Lochoff, joined her on lead guitar, and they later put together a band with a drummer, violinist and bass guitarist. A “buzz” developed around Maya’s performances, and her audiences grew rapidly. Debut album- “Safe & Sound” In August 2011 she released her debut album, “Safe & Sound” (self-produced), a folk-rock album which contains elements of soul, blues and country. Maya has released three singles from the album – “Is It Alright”, “Safe & Sound” and “Brave Again”-all were put onto the play list of the main music station in Israel – “Galgalatz”-and are played regularly on other regional stations. There have been numerous positive reviews in the press voting Maya “Discovery of the year”, as well as interviews and features on radio and TV. “Safe & Sound” has to date sold nearly 15,000 copies, which in the limited Israeli market is extremely unusual. Maya and her band have been performing with increasing regularity all over Israel. Her performances are packed with an ever-growing audience, who are captivated by the magic of her voice and songs. Press Reviews (translated from the Hebrew) “Maya Isacowitz, one of the most talked about names in the Israeli pop scene over the past year, makes you wonder if this is real. Is this really happening here, in Israel? Something in her voice, her singing, and her moving songs, just sweeps you away. Maya is mesmerizing, fascinating and breathtaking, from the moment she opens her mouth.” Amos Oren-”The Stage” “Good music is magical, fascinating, beautiful and moving. Maya Isacowitz has all four ingredients in her music. As a writer, composer, singer and leader of the talented band – Isacowitz is simply superb. Talent oozes from her and her guitar. Her charisma silently screams. Maya Isacowitz is a unique artist, with a sound that is different from any other Israeli artists who have preceded her.” Asaf Nevo-”Mako” “Isacowitz was given the gift of a unique voice that gets under your skin and into the bloodstream, and magically soothes even the most troubled soul!” Efrat Lifshitz-”Women’s World”

