
簡介: With a great sound, guitar in hand and meaningful lyrics, 'Trostrigo' looks set to join the growing ranks of the Chilean New Wave of musicia 更多>

With a great sound, guitar in hand and meaningful lyrics, 'Trostrigo' looks set to join the growing ranks of the Chilean New Wave of musicians. A distinctive indie sound, and when considering Trostrigo's vocal style the music recalls the likes of Gepe and Chinoy. Currently living in Buenos Aires, the rising star talked to us to chat about himself and his musical journey.
Trostrigo: I was born in Rancagua, and stayed there until I finished high school, then I travelled to Talca to study at the University, then I left Talca and went to Buenos Aires ... I learned to play the guitar in high school and I worked so that I could buy an electric guitar and formed a couple of punk bands with friends, always self-taught I learned the tunes that I liked but never managed to equal them. When I started making real progress with the electric guitar, it got stolen then I started playing the acoustic guitar. From that point on I fell in love with acoustic chords. In 2007 I came back to Buenos Aires and began to write songs that form my current project.
The first time I played [on stage] I thought they would throw tomatoes at me or that noone would pay attention to a single word, but a guy approached me and told me how one of the verses had moved him. With that, all my fears about playing left me; today I relax too much on stage, I always enjoy it, I tell bad jokes but someone always laughs. Some people have told me that my voice on some songs sounds like a sweet woman, and others like a rabid ogre!
Nací en Rancagua, y estuve en esa ciudad hasta que termine la ense?anza media; luego viaje a Talca a estudiar a la Universidad, después abandone en Talca y me vine a Buenos Aires… Aprendí a acercarme a la guitarra en la ense?anza media cuando trabaje para comprar una guitarra eléctrica y formamos un par de bandas punk con amigos, siempre de forma autodidacta fui aprendiendo las melodías que me gustaban aunque nunca lograba igualarlas. Cuando empecé a progresar realmente con la guitarra eléctrica, me la robaron entonces empecé a tocar con la guitarra acústica. Desde ahí me enamoré de los acordes acústicos. El 2007 me vine a Buenos Aires y empecé a crear las canciones que componen mi proyecto actual.
La primera vez que toque pensé que me tirarían tomates o que nadie pondría atención a ninguna palabra, pero se me acercó un tipo y me dijo lo que le produjo una estrofa de una canción. Con eso se me fueron todos mis miedos que tenía al tocar; hoy me relajo demasiado en el escenario, siempre disfruto, digo chistes malos pero que siempre causan risa en alguien. Me han dicho algunas personas que mi voz en algunas canciones es como la de una dulce mujer, en otras como la de un ogro rabioso!
Chileno: So what have you been up to lately?
?En qué has estado últimamente?
Trostrigo: Playing a lot, especially in Buenos Aires, promoting the album that we released recently called "AIREALVERSO". We are also planning a winter tour in central-southern Chile. We have recently released two video clips of songs from AIREALVERSO and hope to do more in the near future.
Tocando bien seguido, especialmente en Buenos Aires, promocionando el disco que recién estrenamos que se llama “AIREALVERSO”. También estamos programando una gira de invierno en la zona centro-sur de Chile. Hemos sacado recientemente 2 videoclips de canciones de AIREALVERSO y esperamos hacer más en un futuro próximo.

