Peter Schreier

簡(jiǎn)介: 中文名:彼得·許萊爾別 名:彼得-施賴(lài)爾國(guó) 籍:德國(guó)出生地:邁森生 日:職業(yè):指揮家、歌唱家所屬樂(lè)團(tuán):德勒斯登十字合唱團(tuán)彼得·施賴(lài)爾 (Peter Schreier,1935-),德國(guó)抒情男高音歌唱家。八歲入德累斯頓圣十字架教堂合唱團(tuán)中唱童高音,翌年首次登上歌劇舞臺(tái), 更多>


別 名:彼得-施賴(lài)爾

國(guó) 籍:德國(guó)


生 日:1935年7月29日



彼得·施賴(lài)爾 (Peter Schreier,1935-),德國(guó)抒情男高音歌唱家。八歲入德累斯頓圣十字架教堂合唱團(tuán)中唱童高音,翌年首次登上歌劇舞臺(tái),在莫扎特的《魔笛》中扮演一個(gè)男童。十六歲變聲后正式從師學(xué)習(xí)聲樂(lè),1964年考入德累斯頓音樂(lè)學(xué)院專(zhuān)攻聲樂(lè)、指揮。畢業(yè)后在柏林、漢堡、德累斯頓、倫敦、羅馬、維也納、薩爾茲堡、布宜諾斯艾利斯、米蘭、紐約等地舉行音樂(lè)會(huì)或演出歌劇。他的嗓音柔婉優(yōu)美、音樂(lè)處理細(xì)致嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),擅長(zhǎng)于演唱莫扎特的古典歌劇和舒伯特、舒曼、沃爾夫等作曲家的藝術(shù)歌曲,同時(shí)又是出色的宗教歌曲演唱家。


早年生活:Schreier was born in Meissen, Saxony, East Germany, and spent his first years in the small village of Gauernitz, near Meissen, where his father was a teacher, cantor and organist. In June 1945, when Schreier was almost ten years old, and just a few months after the destruction of Dresden, he entered the boarding school of the famous Dresden boys' choir, the Dresdner Kreuzchor (Choir of the Kreuzkirche or Church of the Cross). The choir had just been re-established. The young Peter and the few other choir members and teachers lived in a cellar in the outskirts of Dresden.

The conductor of the Kreuzchor, Rudolf Mauersberger, soon recognized Peter Schreier's great talent. He let him sing many solo alto parts and also created compositions that perfectly fitted Peter's boy voice. Solo recordings of Peter Schreier were made at the time (1948-1951) and are obtainable on compact disc even today.

Schreier was 16 years old when his voice broke, and he became a tenor, as he had passionately wished, because of the several Evangelists - all tenors - in J.S. Bach's Passions and in his Christmas Oratorio. After he had decided to become a professional singer he took lessons, at first privately, then later on at the Dresden Academy of Music. He had enough time to also study choral and orchestral conducting.

音樂(lè)生涯:Peter Schreier made his professional debut in August 1959, playing the role of the First Prisoner in Fidelio by Beethoven. In the years that followed he was successful as Belmonte in Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Abduction from the Seraglio) and somewhat later as Tamino in Die Zauberfl?te (The Magic Flute), both operas by Mozart.

In 1963, he was employed by the Berlin State Opera at Unter den Linden. Starting in 1966, he was for many years an annual guest of the Vienna State Opera. That same year he made his debut in Bayreuth as the young seaman in Tristan und Isolde with Karl B?hm as conductor. For 25 years, beginning in 1967, he took part in the program of the annual Salzburg Festival. In 1969, he starred as The Witch in Engelbert Humperdinck's Hansel und Gretel, in a CD recording that featured the Staatskapelle Dresden.

He also sang Loge in Das Rheingold & Mime in Siegfried by Wagner. It was important to him to sing the title role of Palestrina, the opera by Hans Pfitzner, not only in Munich but also in East Berlin — a controversial issue at the time in East Germany.

He recorded Bach cantatas with Adele Stolte, Annelies Burmeister, Theo Adam, the Thomanerchor and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra conducted by Erhard Mauersberger, such as the cantata for Pentecost Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! BWV 172 in 1970.[1] Recordings of the Bach's St Matthew Passion have included the version conducted by both Rudolf and Erhard Mauersberger, Karl Richter, Claudio Abbado and Herbert von Karajan. He recorded Bach's St John Passion with Helmuth Rilling.

In June 2000, Schreier left the opera stage. His last role was Prince Tamino in Die Zauberfl?te; he argued that he could no longer act as if he were still a young prince. He ended his singing career on December 22, 2005, combining the roles of evangelist and conductor in a performance of Bach's Christmas Oratorio in Prague.

Throughout his career Schreier has been famous as a singer of German Lieder, including the songs of Schubert and Schumann.

Since 1970, Schreier has also been a conductor with a special interest in the works of Mozart, J.S. Bach, and Haydn. During his singing career, in the performances of Bach's Oratorios, he would often combine the roles of Evangelist and conductor.

Peter Schreier is married and has lived in Dresden since 1945, in the district of Loschwitz on the right bank of the river Elbe.

Peter Schreier的歌

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