
簡介: 小簡介
 即使你在此之前對“廣島”樂團完全感到陌生,想必你也能從它的名字猜到它跟日本有些關(guān)系。不錯,“廣島”樂團的確跟日本文化很有淵源,它的6位成員中,有4位就是日裔美籍樂手。1974年,“廣島&rd 更多>

 即使你在此之前對“廣島”樂團完全感到陌生,想必你也能從它的名字猜到它跟日本有些關(guān)系。不錯,“廣島”樂團的確跟日本文化很有淵源,它的6位成員中,有4位就是日裔美籍樂手。1974年,“廣島”樂團由日裔美國人倉本丹(Dan Kuramoto)和倉本六月(June Kuramoto)夫婦在洛杉磯創(chuàng)立,30年來,這支樂團一直堅守著當(dāng)代融合爵士的路線,而且成就卓然。在1985年,作品《一個愿望》(One Wish)使“廣島”占據(jù)了全美爵士樂電臺年度點播率排行榜的首位,也代表著愛樂大眾對它的藝術(shù)水準及特色的贊賞與認同。“廣島”的東方文化淵源決定了它所走的融合爵士路線與其它融合爵士樂團是頗有不同的,它總是從東西方音樂文化的根源出發(fā),在文化底蘊和民族音色方面都融合多多,并且在音樂演繹中十分強調(diào)自由即興的色彩,將爵士樂的意識精髓體現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致。爵士樂源自西方,東土傳統(tǒng)音樂則更是源遠流長,而在“廣島”樂團的音樂里,東方傳統(tǒng)民族音樂與當(dāng)代爵士樂總是結(jié)合得那樣滴水不漏、妙不可言。
by Scott Yanow
Hiroshima, a group whose music falls between R&B, pop, world music, and jazz, has long had its own niche. The band integrates traditional Japanese instruments into their musical blend and has generally been both commercial and creative within its genre. Hiroshimas founding members are keyboardist Dan Kuramoto (who also played shakuhachi), June Okida Kuramoto on koto (a key part of the groups sound), Johnny Mori on taiko drums, and Danny Yamamoto on drums, percussion, and taiko. Other additions include keyboardist Kimo Cornwell, bassist Dean Cortez, and singer Teri Koide (who was later succeeded by Kimaya Seward). Some of the musicians were descendants of Japanese Americans held in U.S. detention camps during World War II. Beginning with the bands self-titled 1979 debut, Hiroshima has recorded a series of best-selling albums for Arista, Epic, and Qwest, and although they have evolved over time (moving further away from jazz), they have managed to not only retain but increase their popularity. Since 2000, the band has released a handful of albums including The Bridge in 2003, Spirit of the Season in 2004, Obon in 2005, and Little Tokyo in 2007.