
簡介: Morcheeba是當年Trip-Hop熱潮席卷全球時的核心力量,雖然他們在音樂的開拓上遠不如冷到骨髓的Massive Attack、黑到恐懼的Tricky和詭到迷離的Portishead那么具有革命與實驗精神,但倒也通過法式香頌般的節(jié)拍和華麗音色的堆積,在Trip-Hop世界的 更多>

Morcheeba是當年Trip-Hop熱潮席卷全球時的核心力量,雖然他們在音樂的開拓上遠不如冷到骨髓的Massive Attack、黑到恐懼的Tricky和詭到迷離的Portishead那么具有革命與實驗精神,但倒也通過法式香頌般的節(jié)拍和華麗音色的堆積,在Trip-Hop世界的三駕馬車的包圍圈中殺出了一條雅俗共賞的血路。2005年,已然功成名就的Morcheeba在事隔三年后又推出了他們的新專輯,這一次他們不但加盟了“Echo”這個新東家,更是在改換了新主唱后,被迫的呈現(xiàn)出了一種新的摸法。
對于一支如此成功的樂隊來講,換主唱可是非同兒戲的大事件,做為樂隊最感性、最直觀的標志,就算是在現(xiàn)代樂隊中起重要作用的吉它手也只能自嘆不如,你能夠想像沒有了Dolores O’Riordan的The Cranberries會是怎么樣嗎?你能想像失去Bono的U2又會是什么樣嗎?你還能設想一下,如果沒有大嘴的Mike Jagger,The Rolling Stone還能叫The Rolling Stone嗎?而當堪稱Morcheeba綺麗夢幻樂風標志的Skye Edwards為了繼續(xù)她的solo事業(yè)而離開樂隊后,Godfrey兄弟自然不敢怠慢,緊急搬來的救兵——前Noonday Underground樂隊的主唱Daisy Martey顯然還是以Skye Edwards為原型尋找的,以至于消息不靈或者聽覺不夠尖銳的樂迷在聆聽這張新專輯時,還以為依然是Skye Edwards在話筒前放聲。
The most groove-oriented act in the mid-'90s female-fronted electronica crowd, Morcheeba relies on the sweet, fluid vocals of Skye Edwards and a laid-back mix of fusion, funk, and blues produced by brothers Paul and Ross Godfrey, on beats/scratches and guitar/keyboards, respectively. The trio was formed in 1995 when the Godfreys decided to go out on their own after co-producing six tracks for David Byrne's album Feelings. They submitted several tapes of their instrumental demos to labels around London, but received little interest in return. After hooking up with vocalist Edwards at a party, however, their music began to gel and Morcheeba signed to the China label. After the release of two EPs (Trigger Hippie and Music That We Hear), the trio issued their debut album, Who Can You Trust? It appeared on the American Discovery label in late 1996, and Morcheeba toured the U.S. with Live and Fiona Apple the following year. Big Calm followed in 1998 and Fragments of Freedom was released two years later. Charango appeared in 2002 and featured guest appearances from Lambchop's Kurt Wagner and rapper Slick Rick. A year later, the greatest hits collection Parts of the Process was released and Skye Edwards left the band. Former Noonday Underground vocalist Daisy Martey joined the group for 2005's The Antidote, a more acoustic album that mixed psychedelia with Burt Bacharach-styled pop.

Morcheeba詳細資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Morcheeba 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)


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  • 2021年推出專輯:《Charango(Australian Tour Edition)》
  • 2021年推出專輯:《Dive Deep》
  • 2021年推出專輯:《Parts Of The Process (US Standard Version)》
  • 2021年推出專輯:《Blaze Away》
  • 2021年推出專輯:《Blood Like Lemonade (Deluxe Version)》
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