
簡介: Merzbow著名實驗音樂家秋田昌美的創(chuàng)作代號. 秋田昌美1956年出生在日本的東京。少年時,正值全世界爆發(fā)迷幻搖滾革命。他和其他小孩一樣聽了諸如滾石(Rolling Stone)、大門(The Doors)和(The Beatles)樂隊的音樂,但他卻唯獨喜歡去年剛?cè)ナ赖摹凹讱? 更多>

Merzbow著名實驗音樂家秋田昌美的創(chuàng)作代號. 秋田昌美1956年出生在日本的東京。少年時,正值全世界爆發(fā)迷幻搖滾革命。他和其他小孩一樣聽了諸如滾石(Rolling Stone)、大門(The Doors)和(The Beatles)樂隊的音樂,但他卻唯獨喜歡去年剛?cè)ナ赖摹凹讱はx”樂隊的成員喬治·哈里森(George Harrison)后來所做的電子音樂,以及約翰·列儂(John Lennon)攜其妻小野洋子發(fā)行創(chuàng)作的一系列實驗唱片。20世紀70年代早期,他開始聽一點前衛(wèi)搖滾,并在一個高中的樂隊中打鼓。但很快他便厭煩了這類音樂,于是他和一個好朋友加入了另外一個玩先鋒音樂和自由爵士樂(Free Jazz)的樂隊。那時秋田聽了不少好唱片,諸如弗蘭克·扎帕(Frank Zappa)和奧耐特·柯爾曼(Ornette Coleman)等。但他始終還是對這種表現(xiàn)方式不滿意,并希望能找到新的手法。   大學期間,秋田修讀于玉川大學的藝術(shù)系,主修繪畫和藝術(shù)理論。那時他接觸到了超現(xiàn)實主義和達達主義,并深受影響。文學上他受到蘭波(Rimbaud)、路特阿蒙(Lautreamont)、讓·熱內(nèi)(Jean Genet)和薩德(Sade)等相對具有搖滾樂氣質(zhì)作家的很大影響。而在美術(shù)方面最初的影響則來自基里科和達利。而當秋田讀到一本杜尚寫的書后,便對達達主義和超現(xiàn)實主義有了理性的認識?!拔颐靼琢藶槭裁催_達主義者要摧毀所有傳統(tǒng)的藝術(shù)形式。由此我便決定要摧毀所有的傳統(tǒng)音樂?!鼻锾镆砸粋€革命者的姿態(tài)開始了他新音樂的探索。   但超現(xiàn)實主義畢竟不像朋克音樂(Punk)那樣的激烈和摧毀一切。達利在他的著作《沉默的告白》(Unspeak Confessions)中這樣寫道:“一個精神分析學家,應該知道金子和糞便在潛意識下都是同等性質(zhì)的。這沒什么驚奇,就像我把玩我的糞便,簡直如同把玩著母雞的金蛋。這仿佛是通過妄想的批判主義在表演傳聞中‘點石成金’術(shù)。”所以超現(xiàn)實主義和達達主義不是簡單的否定,而是一種探索價值和帶有濃厚潛意識性質(zhì)的哲學理論。   于是秋田昌美在大學畢業(yè)后不久,就找到了他理想中的方式。他放棄了搖滾和油畫,并開始以一種全然不同的方式來制作音樂,同時建立了自己的噪音音樂廠牌Lowest Music & Arts。那時秋田認為前衛(wèi)搖滾已經(jīng)死了,而重金屬更顯得愚蠢不堪。他吸收了搖滾樂中的獸性和顛覆,但對那種表現(xiàn)形式則完全反對。他最終想到了“潛意識”。“超現(xiàn)實主義音樂應該用潛意識來表達,而我發(fā)現(xiàn)噪音就是潛意識所發(fā)出的聲音。使用噪音使我的創(chuàng)作變成一種由意識伴隨的機械行為?!?  這就像達利發(fā)現(xiàn)了糞便里的“金蛋”,而秋田發(fā)現(xiàn)了音樂里的“噪音”。1981年,秋田昌美開始以“Merzbow”為藝名開始創(chuàng)作。Merzbow來源于著名拼貼藝術(shù)家柯特·舒維特(Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948)集裝置、拼貼和建筑藝術(shù)于一體的著名藝術(shù)品“莫斯堡”(Merzbau),而“莫斯堡”的另一個名字叫做“情欲秘密的教堂”。   早期,Merzbow主要運用磁帶進行創(chuàng)作。他從那些他身邊的噪音源里汲取素材,包括有電視、他自己的唱片收藏、他人制作的噪音等等。至今他的創(chuàng)作里還保留了磁帶創(chuàng)作的手法,他把磁帶看作是一種樂器。而且在上世紀80年代早期,磁帶還是種剛剛走進普通大眾的媒質(zhì),并被看作是具有革命的新生事物。它容易復制,因而獲得了其獨特的獨立性。脫離傳統(tǒng)的唱片工業(yè),沒有監(jiān)督和干擾,通過郵寄的方式傳播,這便是秋田早期廠牌運作的核心。當然如今的CDR、MP3以及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)又對今天的獨立音樂發(fā)展打開了更加便捷的途徑。   漸漸地,他開始收集大量的破舊電子設(shè)備、損壞的吉他以及磁帶錄音機。此時,秋田開始發(fā)現(xiàn)電子設(shè)備中“回授”(Feedback)效果的極大創(chuàng)作可能性?!爱斘以诓僮髟O(shè)備去制造音樂時,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了回授本身的神秘噪音,它帶有著音樂無意識般的生命沖動。我慢慢懂得如何去控制回授,從此這種設(shè)備的回授聲成了我的一個主要音樂概念。自動的回授產(chǎn)生了強大的噪音風暴,并且仿佛帶有著強烈的性暗示,有點像Free Jazz中的能量,亦或是電子魔力般的有趣回應。我發(fā)現(xiàn)了噪音中的快感,并嘗試發(fā)展這種噪音快感的不同變奏?!?  Merzbow的音樂代表的是他的一種生活方式,而不單純是為了抵制其他類型的音樂。因此,他會聽無數(shù)其他類型的音樂。他說:“Merzbow就是我,我的計劃。當我開始Merzbow的創(chuàng)作,我考慮的是如何創(chuàng)作出原創(chuàng)性的,有別于商業(yè)音樂的東西。我盡力創(chuàng)作出和過往的音樂不一樣的東西?!痹谶@個過程中,我們可以看到秋田的進步:由最早完全使用拼貼技術(shù)的磁帶,到1990年出版的首張CD唱片《Cloud Cock 00 Grand》,再到20世紀90年代中期,進入他的鼎盛。而到了1997年,他的唱片出版出現(xiàn)了一個令人詫異的高峰——《Merzbox》。澳洲著名實驗廠牌Extreme出版了Merzbow的一個超級專輯——《Merzbox》。該專輯實際上是一個特別設(shè)計的大箱子,內(nèi)裝Merzbow所創(chuàng)作的50張CD!另外還包括一本全彩資料手冊、一張CD-ROM、一個大紀念章、一件T-Shirt、一系列的明信片和貼紙。這50張專輯中有30張是原來由卡帶發(fā)行,經(jīng)過整理后的舊專輯,另外20張是Merzbow未發(fā)行過或新創(chuàng)作的作品。
by Fran?ois Couture
There is no need to argue: Merzbow stands as the most important artist in noise music. The favorite moniker of Japanese Masami Akita appears on hundreds of albums. The name comes from German artist Kurt Schwitters famous work Merzbau, which he also called The Cathedral of Erotic Misery. Akitas choice reflects his fondness for junk art (through Schwitters collage method) and his fascination with ritualized eroticism, namely in the form of fetishism and bondage. All these elements constitute the Merzbow persona.
Akita was born in Tokyo in 1956. He grew up with psychedelic rock and began to play the guitar in progressive rock cover bands, in particular with drummer Kiyoshi Mizutani, who would remain a frequent collaborator. After high school, Akita studied literature and visual arts in college. There he discovered free jazz and studied seriously the ideas of Dada and the surrealists (Salvador Dali remained a big influence). Akita gradually withdrew himself from the rock scene and began experimenting in his basement with broken tape recorders and feedback.
In 1979, Akita created his own cassette label, Lowest Arts & Music, and released the first of many albums, Metal Acoustic Music. Infiltrating the then-burgeoning network of underground industrial music, Merzbow lined up one cassette after another, packaged in Xeroxed collage art. His harsh noise eschewed the primitive anger found on this scene (Throbbing Gristle, Man Is the Bastard) to reach a zen state, calm inside the storm. Mizutani occasionally appeared on some of the raw material, as would other musicians (like Reiko A), but in essence Merzbow is Akita and would always be. The artist/group made low-budget live appearances in Tokyo, but his main focus remained on his art production and his writing (he is erudite in 20th century art and the Japanese tradition of bondage).
In 1983, Akitas first LP, Material Action 2 (NAM), was released on Chaos/Eastern Works in Japan. Out of the mail-art network and into the specialty record shops, Merzbow began to attract some eyes and ears. Akita started a second label, ZSF Produkt, which put out dozens of 7s, EPs, LPs, and more cassettes.
By the late 80s, other record labels had begun to pay interest, namely the Australian Extreme. Collaborative (1988), an LP recorded with Achim Wollscheid, brought the Merzbow sound to more international listeners, and slowly Akita invaded other territories. By the mid-90s, his reputation verged on the mythical. He toured Europe and the U.S., and had high(er)-profile releases on Extreme, Rrr, and Alchemy.
In 1997, Extreme announced it was putting in production a 50-CD box set, Merzbox. It was finally released three years later. It includes 30 reissues dating as far back as 1979, and 20 discs worth of unreleased material, and remains the biggest musical statement in the history of noise music. More widely available albums for Alien8 Recordings (Aqua Necromancer, 1998) and Tzadik (1930, 1998), combined with constant worldwide touring, have taken the artist out of mythical status and propelled him into the legendary.
In the late 90s, Akita started to collaborate with other artists outside the Merzbow moniker, namely with Mike Patton (as Maldoror) and Otomo Yoshihide. Both a prolific composer and performer, Akita continued his string of Merzbow releases into the next century, including 2001s Frog, 2003s V, 2004s Merzbird, and 2006s two-volume set (released months apart) Minazo. 2007 saw the release of Merzbear and Synth Destruction.
秋田 昌美(あきた まさみ、1956年12月19日 - )は、日本のノイズミュージシャン、文筆家。東京都生まれ。玉川大學文學部蕓術(shù)學科卒業(yè)。

Merzbow詳細資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Merzbow 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)


  • 2024年推出專輯:《Magnesia Nova》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Pinkream》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Eternal Stalker》
  • 2023年推出專輯:《Atsusaku》
  • 2012年推出專輯:《Pulse Demon》
  • 1999年推出專輯:《Door Open at 8am》
  • 1995年推出專輯:《Music for Bondage Performance》